Howdy UNDERTALE fans, musicians, and SoundClowns ! I’m not Toby Fox, and I am in no way affiliated with him. I want to thank everyone who made this list what it is today, as well as those who have and will use it in the future! Also, All requests for access will also be ignored. If you still wish to suggest further changes, please email with any inquiries or anything of the like. The list will still be viewable by anyone, however only a handful will be able to edit it directly.
This means that no new editors/commenters will be added, and all permissions below full-access editor have been purged.
The UNDERTALE Music Sample List is now officially archived. They’re more up to date and they include other soundtracks by Toby Fox as well. We recommend that you u se those instead to find samples. Unfortunately, the formatting doesn’t work very well on mobile. If you can read this, you’re probably on a mobile device.